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Spotify++ Tweaked for iOS

Spotify premium

Spotify++ is working here
Launch the Safari Browser and navigate to the official webpage of AppValley.
Wait for the webpage to load up.
As the webpage loads, scroll down and you will see a 
button titled as ‘Install AppValley

Tap on the button to initiate the download and installation 

process of AppValley 2.0.

A pop-up will come up stating that the webpage wants to 

install AppValley on your device.

Tap ‘Install’ on the pop-up to continue with the 

installation process.

  • Move to the home screen of your iOS device.
  • You will see the AppValley installation in progress.
  • Once the installation is over, please do not launch AppValley prior to trusting the profile of the same.
  • Please navigate to Settings -> General -> Profilesand trust the profile of AppValley.
  • Launch AppValley and an interface similar to the official 

  • Apple App Store will welcome you.

Download Spotify++ IPA on iOS from AppValley

  • You can easily locate the search section on AppValley.

  • Please conduct a search for ‘Spotify++’

Click get.
You will navigating to the next page 

  • Once the installation is over, please navigate to Settings -> General -> Profiles, and trust the profile of Spotify++.
  • After this, you can go ahead and launch the tweaked version of Spotify.
  • Start enjoying the premium features of Spotify for free on your iPhone/iPad.

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